“We had to do something…
Imagine going to work like it is any other day,” says Sheila Wilson, ER nurse and Stop Healthcare Violence co- founder and president. “You never think or suspect you will be unsafe in any way, let alone assaulted.
“Because of these circumstances in my every day experience I have become an advocate in supporting nurses against violence, and in increasing public awareness of this epidemic.
Founded in 2009, Stop Healthcare Violence is currently headed up by president and co-founder Sheila Wilson, RN, BSN, MPH.
Stop Healthcare Violence was originally formed by three career nurses as a grass-roots organization to stop assaults on healthcare workers.
These three nursing professionals have worked in both inpatient and outpatient hospital settings for many years. All three have been assaulted in the workplace. All three have witnessed co-workers suffer physical and verbal attacks. All three knew it was time to stop the violence against healthcare workers.
It is with this sentiment, that these career nurses took it upon themselves to address head on the issue of violence perpetrated against healthcare workers.
Imagine going to work like it is any other day,” says ER nurse, advocate and Stop Healthcare Violence co- founder and current president Sheila Wilson, RN, MPH. “You never think or suspect you will be unsafe in any way, let alone assaulted.
“Because of these circumstances in my every day experience I have become an advocate in supporting nurses against violence, and in increasing public awareness of this epidemic.” Read more